
January 3, 2024

80+ Painting Ideas That Will Inspire You To Pick Up a Brush Right Now

When it comes to painting, everyone starts out on an even playing field—those that paint well have built their skills over time. Doing so, however, requires patience, and for you to put brush to canvas (or paper) and increase your aptitude stroke by stroke. We’ve seen this happen in a drawing; just a few years of drawing practice can mean the difference between a sketch that’s just okay and one that shows extraordinary talent.

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October 19, 2023

36 Watercolor Painting Ideas for Beginning Artists and Seasoned Professionals

Watercolor painting is one of the easiest creative activities to pick up. There are only a few supplies that you need—a set of paints, paintbrushes, paper, and water—and there are just a handful of essential techniques to know before you put pigment to paper. This brilliant simplicity means that it’s a breeze to start and finish a watercolor painting in the same day. So, what are you going to paint?

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August 15, 2023

11 Different Types of Painting That Every Artist Should Know

Over the course of history, the way artists have painted—and the mediums they use—has evolved. New technology and changing tastes mean that the paints used by artists have continued to diversify. But how do you know which is the right type of paint for you? Many of us are familiar with watercolor, oil, and acrylic paint, but there's so much more out there for artists to explore.

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