
July 6, 2024

Meet the Lokiceratops, a Dinosaur With Unique Horns

Dinosaurs range from the tallest (sauroposeidon) to the smallest (alvarezsaur). New species are continually being discovered, and yet another unique species has resurfaced from ancient rock. This fancy four-legged beast discovered in Montana has ornate horns, inspiring its new scientific name Lokiceratops rangiformis. The discovery was announced in PeerJ. Lokiceratops rangiformis was a massive beast that roamed Earth about 78 million years ago.

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June 25, 2024

Jupiter’s Most Stunning Images Captured by NASA’s JunoCam in Sharp Detail

Since it first entered Jupiter's orbit in 2016, NASA's JunoCam has given the world an unparalleled look at the planet. This visible-light camera/telescope sits in the Juno space probe and sends data back to Earth each time it completes a flyby of the gas giant. Thanks to citizen scientists who process the raw data that NASA uploads, we can see a crisp, clear view of Jupiter in all its glory.

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June 22, 2024

The Decimal Point Is a Lot Older Than We Thought

For centuries, the earliest known use of the decimal point appeared in 1593, when the German mathematician Christopher Clavius wrote it in an astronomy book. Since then, it has radically changed the course of mathematics. However, it was recently discovered that the first documented use of the decimal point was not in 1593 but over 100 years before in Renaissance Italy.

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