
July 29, 2024

Watch How Astronauts Sleep in the International Space Station

For astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS), living in zero gravity is challenging enough while awake, but have you ever wondered how they manage to sleep? American astronaut Sunita (Suni) L. Williams shared a fun video tour of the ISS, showing us exactly how astronauts catch their Zs in space. Williams became a NASA astronaut in 1998 and is currently on her third mission aboard the International Space Station.

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July 21, 2024

Ancient Dingo DNA Reveals the Surprising Origins of Australia’s Iconic Wild Dog

Dingoes are as ubiquitous in Australia as kangaroos or koalas, yet we know surprisingly little about the origins of these medium-sized wild dogs.  Thanks to ancient dingo DNA, researchers have recently solved some mysteries about their origins and learned more about their evolutionary relationships to other canines. While dingoes were introduced to Australia by humans from Southeast Asia, they are still considered native to the continent.

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July 15, 2024

Colorful Infographics Explore the Mysterious World of Exoplanets

Since 1992, when the first exoplanet was confirmed, over 6,600 have been discovered in 4,868 planetary systems. Inspired by these discoveries, Slovakian artist and designer Martin Vargic has created two visual representations that are aesthetically beautiful and scientifically fascinating. One infographic, the Exoplanet Zoo, shows over 1,100 known exoplanets arranged by the amount of heat they receive from their relative stars.

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