Academy Archives - My Modern Met The Big City That Celebrates Creative Ideas Mon, 29 Jul 2024 21:16:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Academy Archives - My Modern Met 32 32 Warm up Like an Olympian With These Art Prompts Before You Dive Into a Bigger Project{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 30 Jul 2024 09:55:32 +0000 Warm up Like an Olympian With These Art Prompts Before You Dive Into a Bigger Project

When you hit the gym or go for a run, you probably do something easy first to warm-up your muscles. Warming up prevents injury by priming muscles, getting your blood flowing, and boosting your confidence before a grueling workout. Doing warm-up exercises isn't just for athletics though. Warming up can be a great way to […]

READ: Warm up Like an Olympian With These Art Prompts Before You Dive Into a Bigger Project

Warm up Like an Olympian With These Art Prompts Before You Dive Into a Bigger Project

Thumbnail paintings from Nitika Ale's warm-up for flower paintings

When you hit the gym or go for a run, you probably do something easy first to warm-up your muscles. Warming up prevents injury by priming muscles, getting your blood flowing, and boosting your confidence before a grueling workout. Doing warm-up exercises isn't just for athletics though. Warming up can be a great way to prepare your mind and hands before you tackle a bigger project. It's a low stakes way to loosen up your gestures while also nudging your brain to get into creative mode.

Once you've warmed up, you'll be needing your next project. My Modern Met Academy courses are great for building up your skills and confidence when you're feeling overwhelmed by a blank canvas or page. One great class for both beginners and seasoned artists is Nitika Ale's Learn How to Paint Abstract Acrylic Floral Paintings. Ale encourages her students to become more confident in their work, focusing on color-mixing and loosening up brushstrokes.

Scroll down to check out five ways you can warm up to create your next masterpiece.

Before you start your next art project, here are five activities to get you in the right frame of mind:


1.  Blind Contour Drawing

A blind contour drawing of the artist's feet, which serves as a good example of a warm up exercise

Photo: M. Gunn, via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Without looking at the surface you're drawing on, use your chosen medium to sketch something in front of you. Bonus points if you don't lift your hand from the page. This is especially great for practicing drawing oh-so-difficult hands and feet. Blind contour drawing lets you shed any perfectionist tendencies and focus purely on observation and moving your hand in unison.


2.  Sketching a Dozen Patterned Circles

Hand drawn patterns in circles.

Photo: maritime_m/Depositphotos

Fill up a page in your sketchbook with 12 circles. Then draw a new pattern inside each circle. By playing with patterns, you'll get your creative juices flowing and feel more playful with how you make marks on the page.


3. Shading and Color-Mixing

Nitika Ale warms up by mixing colors into a gradient in her painting course.

If you are drawing, use your pencil to create a gradient across the top of your page. Start with the lightest pressure and slowly increase until you are making the darkest value possible. Then keep doing this, but instead of just up and down vertical lines, use points to create a pointillist gradient, then continue with cross-hatching. If you are a painter, gradients can help you become an expert in color-mixing.

Start with the pure hue of your paint and slowly mix in more white paint for it to become lighter, or black paint to become darker. Or start with one hue on one end and slowly blend in a new color to create a totally new color.


4. Doodling

Quickly make a large random doodle on paper. Once again, don't look at the page while you doodle. Then take what you drew and turn the doodle into something more representational, like an animal. This again gets you to look at something in a new way.


5. Thumbnail Warm-ups

Nitika Ale warms up for painting larger pieces by doing a series of thumbnails.

Draw two to four squares on your page. Then draw a thumbnail sketch or paint a thumbnail painting of a composition you're interested in doing in larger scale. Next, use the remaining thumbnails to alter your original idea. Should an object be larger in the frame? Or would it help to add more contrast to your shades? This not only helps you warm up, but lets you refine your plans for your next work of art. Artist Nitika Ale demonstrates this exercise with acrylic paint in her e-course, Learn How to Paint Abstract Acrylic Floral Paintings.


Enroll now in Learn How to Paint Abstract Acrylic Floral Paintings or one of My Modern Met Academy's other painting and illustration classes to guide you as you develop your artistic eye and create muscle memory in how to translate your vision to the page or canvas.


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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READ: Warm up Like an Olympian With These Art Prompts Before You Dive Into a Bigger Project

Make Memories With Your Best Four-Pawed Friend While Taking This Photography Class{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 23 Jul 2024 09:55:57 +0000 Make Memories With Your Best Four-Pawed Friend While Taking This Photography Class

If you have a dog or cat in your life, you likely take lots of pictures. Whether or not you consider yourself creative, it's hard to resist becoming a total shutterbug, grabbing another photo of our good boys and girls while they're snoozing in the sun or romping in the yard. They're just so cute, […]

READ: Make Memories With Your Best Four-Pawed Friend While Taking This Photography Class

Make Memories With Your Best Four-Pawed Friend While Taking This Photography Class

Pet Portraits by Belinda Richards

If you have a dog or cat in your life, you likely take lots of pictures. Whether or not you consider yourself creative, it's hard to resist becoming a total shutterbug, grabbing another photo of our good boys and girls while they're snoozing in the sun or romping in the yard. They're just so cute, you've probably even paid for extra cloud storage just to make sure you hold on to every image ever captured of your loved one with a wagging tail. Your pet, however, might not be a fan of the puparazzi or sitting still for a clear shot. With a little bit of guidance though, you can capture beautiful, artistic portraits of your furry, fuzzy, or whiskered family members that you will treasure for years to come and be proud to frame and hang on your walls.

With My Modern Met Academy‘s Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend you get to stretch your creative muscles while having quality time with your pets. Professional photographer Belinda Richards goes over the entire process, from dog psychology to photo editing, that even with just your phone's camera you'll create work that belongs in a museum.

One student who completed the class wrote, “I have been an outdoor photographer for nearly 20 years, and decided to delve into studio photography. Knowing nothing about studio lighting and how it works, I found Belinda so easy to understand. She explained everything in a way I wasn't having to pause and google what she was talking about.” Richards covers a wide array of skills over 15 short lessons that it's impossible to not learn something, even if you're a seasoned photographer.

Enroll now in Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend on My Modern Met Academy before you take any more out-of-focus pictures of your animal companion who's more interested in chewing on your phone that posing. Once you've taken your pet photography skills to the next level, you can check out My Modern Met Academy's other online classes that will help you capture your pets and their lovable personalities.

In Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend, photographer Belinda Richards will make sure you feel comfortable with every step in the photography process.

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Richards makes sure you know how to encourage your pet to show off their best angles and character.

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Dog Photography by Belinda Richard

Belinda Richards: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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How To Build Up an Art Habit To Make Sure You’re Always Creating{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:55:14 +0000 How To Build Up an Art Habit To Make Sure You’re Always Creating

Are you an art hobbyist or perhaps an art enthusiast who wants to become an artist? In either case, finding time and motivation to make art can be a challenge. With work, school, friends, family, and household chores, it’s easy to neglect your recreational passion. Perhaps your last artworks were finger paintings for mom's refrigerator, […]

READ: How To Build Up an Art Habit To Make Sure You’re Always Creating

How To Build Up an Art Habit To Make Sure You’re Always Creating

Dimitra Milan works on mixed media art

Are you an art hobbyist or perhaps an art enthusiast who wants to become an artist? In either case, finding time and motivation to make art can be a challenge. With work, school, friends, family, and household chores, it’s easy to neglect your recreational passion. Perhaps your last artworks were finger paintings for mom's refrigerator, but you want to learn something new. Having an art habit makes you not just an artist, but a less stressed and more focused individual in general.

Where to start though? My Modern Met Academy is perfect for making art a habit. Across mediums, we have classes that are great for beginners or those who feel a little rusty. From Beyond Bouquets to Dappled Light, our courses will inspire you to expand your creative horizons.

Scroll down for some tips on how to build an art habit and never miss an opportunity to create (and have fun in the process).

Here are 6 tips to get your creative practice going and build good art habits.


1. Set small, consistent goals.

Anna Sokolova draws thumbnail sketches in sketchbook

While you might want to eventually paint the next Guernica, start small. Even as few as five minutes a day will help build a lasting habit. With short sessions, you won't worry about your to-do list, and you can slip art anywhere into your day.

Conveniently My Modern Met Academy classes are broken up into short lessons. They're perfect to set the tone for the day and watch while you're drinking your morning coffee.


2. Mise en place – have all your materials ready.

Demi Lang lays out her tools for her art practice

When you want to work in short bursts, it’s important to not spend too much time gathering your materials and finding a spot with good light. Mise en place is the culinary practice of having all of your ingredients and tools prepped before you start cooking. This is helpful to do with art as well.

Have your paints laid out, pencils sharpened, and cups of water filled and set where you want to make your art ahead of time so it's easier to dive into the creative process when inspiration calls. This can be as simple as keeping your sketchbook and pens together in a bag next to your keys so you don't forget to grab them for on-the-go sketching.

Artist Demi Lang includes a quick lesson on organizing your workspace in her course Architectural Illustration for Everyone and all of My Modern Met Academy’s classes start with an explanation of the materials you'll need to complete projects.


3. Use the buddy system.

Megan Elizabeth shows her art

Art can be a solitary practice, but having an art buddy can enhance the experience. Meeting up for coffee dates to sketch can help time fly by and be a great way to build friendships as well.

Not sure who to ask? Look for meet-up groups, both in person and online to have a whole team of body-doubles. Even if you prefer making your art solo, it can be great to have someone to update on your progress to keep you accountable. They can even be a source of critiques when you're ready.

On My Modern Met Academy, you can take a class for yourself and gift that same class to a friend. Then, you can make a pact to tackle lessons together. You don’t even have to be in the same location at the same time. Like a book club, you can set a goal to complete a lesson within a certain amount of time and reconvene at a later date, holding each other accountable.


4. Keep a “reference library” for inspiration.

Elyse Dodge looks for reference photos for her painting

Sometimes the creative muse is AWOL. That's when it's great to have your own compendium of art inspirations. Whether it's jotting down ideas in the Notes app, or saving posts from your favorite artists and museums' Instagrams, having somewhere you keep a pile of ideas is great for when you just don't know what to make. It's also a fantastic way to learn about your personal style and what artistic aspects you'd like to lean into as you grow in skill.

Artist Anna Sokolova loves to return to several well-loved books of scientific and nature illustrations when she is thinking about her next piece. You can learn about her process in Animal Portraits in Colored Inks.


5. Try something new.

Maria Zamyatina paints her embroidery

If you feel yourself becoming bored with your art, that's exactly when you should try something you haven't before. This can be as simple as using a color you tend to ignore. Hate orange? Use only shades of orange in your next piece. Another option is trying a whole new medium that will not only reignite your interest but still help improve your artistic talent.

In Mixed Media Thread Painting, you'll practice both painting and embroidery in a way that will add a fresh perspective to both mediums.


6. Take an art challenge.

Multiple sketches of same drawing in Melissa de Nobrega's class

Want to get better at drawing hands? Challenge yourself to draw 100 in different poses. Repetition is practice and practice makes perfect. There are also new art challenges on social media nearly every month. Famously, there's Inktober where you get a new prompt each day in October for an ink drawing. Coming up in August, there's Doggust when you can draw a different dog for each day. If you want to be ambitious, you could take a new class each month and master a new technique.

The key thing to remember is that art is about exploring and learning. Get your art habit started with one of My Modern Met Academy's classes and then keep on creating. If you want to share your art after your class, be sure to tag @mymodernmetacademy.


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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These Books by My Modern Met Academy Instructors Will Jumpstart Your Artistic Growth{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:55:25 +0000 These Books by My Modern Met Academy Instructors Will Jumpstart Your Artistic Growth

Our e-learning platform, My Modern Met Academy, has a full roster of incredibly talented artists who excel at breaking down art into bite-sized lessons. Whether you're interested in illustration, painting, crocheting, or photography, chances are one of our team of instructors can introduce you to new skills that you'll use for years to come. If […]

READ: These Books by My Modern Met Academy Instructors Will Jumpstart Your Artistic Growth

These Books by My Modern Met Academy Instructors Will Jumpstart Your Artistic Growth
My Modern Met Academy INstructor's art instruction books

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Our e-learning platform, My Modern Met Academy, has a full roster of incredibly talented artists who excel at breaking down art into bite-sized lessons. Whether you're interested in illustration, painting, crocheting, or photography, chances are one of our team of instructors can introduce you to new skills that you'll use for years to come.

If you haven't signed up for one of our classes yet, now's the perfect time to enroll. You'll be able to pace yourself and rewatch each lesson as many times as you want. After completing the class, you'll likely be excited to learn as much as possible about your new pastime. Luckily, our instructors aren't just great in the classroom; many of them continue to share their expertise through different mediums. Several of our online instructors have written books that make perfect companions to My Modern Met Academy courses.

Scroll down to see the books our instructors have published.

Here are 6 books by My Modern Met Academy instructors that will keep you going on your artistic journey.


Cartooning Made Easy: Circle, Triangle, Square: Draw unique cartoon characters using simple geometric shapes
by Margherita Cole

Instructor and former My Modern Met writer Margherita Cole has made a career out of illustrating and sharing her knowledge with others. If you've ever enjoyed one of our drawing tutorials, then you'll love Cartooning Made Easy. Cole's book (inspired by her drawing guide on My Modern Met) is chock-full of approachable instructions that will help beginners feel comfortable diving into illustration.

While beginner drawing students are waiting for their book to arrive, they can take Cole's Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching. With three separate projects, the class covers all of the fundamentals a budding illustrator needs to know.


Drawing and Illustrating Architecture: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art of Drawing and Illustrating Beautiful Buildings
by Demi Lang

Demi Lang makes intricate architectural drawing seem simple in both her popular class Architectural Illustration for Everyone: Draw Buildings in Ink and Colored Pencil and her recently published book Drawing and Illustrating Architecture: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art of Drawing and Illustrating Beautiful Buildings. With over 17 years of professional experience, Lang has a plethora of tips to help illustrators create crisp and precise works. Make sure you don't miss her top-selling online class. Then, check out her book for even more in-depth instructions.


Brilliant Inks: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating in Vivid Color – Draw, Paint, Print, and More!
by Anna Sokolova

Anna Sokolova's vibrant illustrations can't be ignored. Working with ink can be intimidating to the uninitiated but Sokolova shares her love of vibrant ink in her class Animal Portraits in Colored Inks as well as her book Brilliant Inks. Start making beautiful illustrations of your favorite animals through the My Modern Met Academy class and then expand your repertoire with Sokolova's well-reviewed book.


Realistic Drawing for Beginners: How to Create Stunning, Lifelike Drawings of Any Subject
by Matheus Macedo

With only a pencil, Matheus Macedo can create portraits that are as realistic as photographs and convey moods and personality effortlessly. Luckily, he will be sharing his talents in his new book. Available for preorder, Realistic Drawing for Beginners will ship in November and be the perfect companion to Macedo's Realistic Portrait Drawing Made Easy course on My Modern Met Academy.


Portraits with Procreate: A Beginner's Guide to Drawing and Painting Faces
by Melissa de Nobrega

Melissa de Nobrega‘s newly published book is a great introduction to making digital art. Before you start learning how to use Procreate, take de Nobrega's portrait class at My Modern Met Academy. Portrait Drawing for Beginners is an excellent introduction to portraits for students of all skill levels and will be insightful no matter the medium you prefer to use.


The Enthusiast's Guide to Composition: 48 Photographic Principles You Need to Know
by Khara Plicanic

Khara Plicanic teaches our class on crocheting titled Crochet Crash CourseIn the class, you'll learn how to make a purse that is perfect for your summer plans. Plicanic is skilled at a wide variety of arts and crafts, but her skill set goes beyond that. Her book The Enthusiast's Guide to Composition is actually geared toward photographers. In it, photographers can learn everything they need to know to create the perfect subject for their cameras. If you're always on the lookout for your next hobby, consider learning from Plicanic who will get you started quickly no matter the project.


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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Celebrate the 4th of July With 15% Off Creative Classes on My Modern Met Academy{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 02 Jul 2024 09:55:14 +0000 Celebrate the 4th of July With 15% Off Creative Classes on My Modern Met Academy

The 4th of July is a holiday that is synonymous with barbecues, fireworks, and fun. But, above all, it's America's birthday, and to get in on the fun, My Modern Met Academy wants to offer up a gift to anyone interested in expanding their creative horizons. From July 2 to July 4, we're offering 15% […]

READ: Celebrate the 4th of July With 15% Off Creative Classes on My Modern Met Academy

Celebrate the 4th of July With 15% Off Creative Classes on My Modern Met Academy

My Modern Met Academy Fourth of July Sale

The 4th of July is a holiday that is synonymous with barbecues, fireworks, and fun. But, above all, it's America's birthday, and to get in on the fun, My Modern Met Academy wants to offer up a gift to anyone interested in expanding their creative horizons. From July 2 to July 4, we're offering 15% off our online courses, which are all taught by experienced artists and makers.

So after you've finished grilling up a storm and playing some backyard games, why not treat yourself to an art class? My Modern Met Academy's courses are all on-demand, so you can watch whenever you want, and there's no limit to how many times you can view the lessons.

Whether you’re a beginner who wishes you could learn how to draw or an expert crafter who wants to gain new skills, there's something for everyone. With courses ranging from one to three hours, there is plenty to learn without having to over-commit. And, best of all, the variety of subjects and mediums means there’s something for everyone. Want to learn how to crochet? We've got you covered. Interested in learning how to make abstract paintings, we can show you that as well.

You can take advantage of the discount on all of My Modern Met Academy's courses in painting, crafting, hand lettering, photography, and illustration. All you need to do is use the code independence15 at checkout to receive 15% off your order (gift certificates are excluded from this offer, and the code will not apply to already discounted courses). Act now, before the sale ends on July 4 at at 7:59 p.m. EDT.

Scroll down to see previews of some of our most-loved classes and get inspired by the  creative courses you can enroll in.

My Modern Met is celebrating America's birthday with 15% off of our creative online courses through July 4. Use the code independence15 at checkout to receive the discount. Here are just some of the courses you can choose from.


Acrylic Painting Masterclass: Explore Color and Abstract Landscape Painting


Crochet Crash Course: Fiesta Fringe Bag


Creating Contemporary Geometric Landscapes Using Acrylic Paint


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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Practice Sketching Like Your Favorite Artists Through Portraiture{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:55:58 +0000 Practice Sketching Like Your Favorite Artists Through Portraiture

Art trends come and go, but no matter the era, portraits are a foundational subject for artists. As far back as 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians were making portraits of their royalty and deities. Even the invention of photography couldn't keep artists from depicting faces in their works. Some of the most iconic 20th-century […]

READ: Practice Sketching Like Your Favorite Artists Through Portraiture

Practice Sketching Like Your Favorite Artists Through Portraiture

Art trends come and go, but no matter the era, portraits are a foundational subject for artists. As far back as 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians were making portraits of their royalty and deities. Even the invention of photography couldn't keep artists from depicting faces in their works. Some of the most iconic 20th-century artists such as Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol played with portraits to redefine art itself.

There are several reasons why making portraits endures today. Humans are social by nature, and biologically compelled to find each other endlessly fascinating. There's no quicker way to build an emotional connection between a viewer and a work of art than featuring our wide range of expressions. While iPhone cameras make it easier than ever to take a selfie, a drawing or painting can expressively highlight characteristics of a subject and reveal deeper truths. Conveniently, there's never a dearth of faces to sketch, especially when it comes to self-portraiture. There's a reason why so many artists have self-portraits and its not simply vanity or egotism, but often sheer practicality. You never have to worry about getting more reference photos or accidentally insulting someone when you practice drawing your own visage.

Faces are universally are complex subject and creating a portrait can feel like a real accomplishment. However, despite their challenging aspects, there are also some basic principles that makes portraits accessible to the newest of art students. Especially with Melissa de Nobrega and My Modern Met Academy, portraiture is made simple. The artist will take you through the basics of anatomy, proportions, and shading in bite-sized lessons that demystify the practice. In her online course, titled Portrait Drawing for Beginners: Learn How to Draw Anyone You'd Like, new artists will forget any fears they have thanks to de Nobrega's clear instructions and guidelines. By the end of the class, you'll be excited to get started on your next portrait.

In the online class Drawing for Beginners: Learn How to Draw Anyone You'd Like, you'll be able practice your drawing skills like all the great artists through the centuries.

Portraits for Beginners Melissa de Nobrega

Portraits for Beginners Melissa de Nobrega

Portraits for Beginners Melissa de Nobrega

Artist Melissa de Nobrega will help you understand bone structure and how to use it to refine your portraits.

Portraits for Beginners Melissa de Nobrega

Portraits for Beginners Melissa de Nobrega

Watch to learn more about her class:

My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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4 Ways to Incorporate Hand Lettering Into Your Next Creative Project{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 18 Jun 2024 09:55:16 +0000 4 Ways to Incorporate Hand Lettering Into Your Next Creative Project

Have you ever wanted to incorporate more art into your everyday life? Are you looking to throw the best birthday party this summer? Maybe you want to finally organize your space or up your gardening game? Try out hand-lettering, a versatile drawing skill that has plenty of real-world applications. Unlike calligraphy, hand-lettering doesn't rely on […]

READ: 4 Ways to Incorporate Hand Lettering Into Your Next Creative Project

4 Ways to Incorporate Hand Lettering Into Your Next Creative Project
Hand Lettering Art by Danison Fronda

Hand lettering by Danison Fronda

Have you ever wanted to incorporate more art into your everyday life? Are you looking to throw the best birthday party this summer? Maybe you want to finally organize your space or up your gardening game? Try out hand-lettering, a versatile drawing skill that has plenty of real-world applications.

Unlike calligraphy, hand-lettering doesn't rely on you having great handwriting or a whole set of special pen nibs. So even if you have the illegible scrawl of a doctor or you’ve decided not to buy any more art supplies until you use up what you already have, hand-lettering could be the creative outlet for you.

To make it even easier to get started, My Modern Met Academy offers an introductory hand-lettering course—Write Out the Future: Hand Letter an Inspiring Phrasetaught by Danison Fronda.

There are various crafts and projects that use hand-lettering to elevate them. Scroll down to see four of the most common types of projects you can use hand lettering for and then get a sneak peek at Fronda’s class to dive into this beautiful art.

Here are 4 projects you can use hand-lettering for:


Greeting Cards

Hand-lettered thank you card

Photo: AtlasStudio/Depositphotos

There's always a reason to send a card to someone. It could be their birthday or wedding, or maybe you just want to let them know you're thinking of them. Sending them a greeting card you illustrated yourself will be a cherished surprise hidden in a pile of bills and junk mail.


Garden Labels

hand letter herb labels

Photo: Struvictory/Depositphotos

Remember which herbs you planted where with adorable labels that make your garden seem even more idyllic.


Party Supplies

Wedding Reception table number five place card

Photo: FreddyNapoleoni/Depositphotos

From invitations to seat placements to gift bag labels, there's always room for more personalization at a party. Being able to create your own materials can help keep the budget down and also allow for maximum customization to fit any party themes.


Motivational Illustrations and Journals

Hand Lettering Tools

Photo: rawpixel

Whether you want to send a friend a pick-me-up or could use a reminder each morning to go after your goals, hand-lettering can make for beautiful art that keeps your eye on the prize. It is also a great complement to bullet journals to keep you engaged with your habit-trackers when the joy of achieving your accomplishments begins to lag.


If you're ready to get started, check out artist Davison Fronda's class on My Modern Met Academy.

This introduction to hand lettering class contains multiple short lessons that can be reviewed whenever needed.

Online Hand Lettering Class with Danison Fronda

Fronda will guide you through the alphabet and teach you several different strokes for lettering.

Online Hand Lettering Class with Danison Fronda

By the end of the course, you'll be ready to make your own word art.

Hand Lettering Art by Danison Fronda

Danison Fronda: Website | Facebook | Instagram
My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Danison Fronda.

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Give Dad the Gift of Creativity When You Shop My Modern Met Academy’s Father’s Day Sale{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:55:37 +0000 Give Dad the Gift of Creativity When You Shop My Modern Met Academy’s Father’s Day Sale

Father's Day is around the corner and it can be hard to pick out an interesting gift for dad. If you don't want to gift wrap another tool set or “surprise” him with another tie, My Modern Met Academy has the solution for you. Give your dad the gift of creative expression through our creative […]

READ: Give Dad the Gift of Creativity When You Shop My Modern Met Academy’s Father’s Day Sale

Give Dad the Gift of Creativity When You Shop My Modern Met Academy’s Father’s Day Sale

father's day sale 1

Father's Day is around the corner and it can be hard to pick out an interesting gift for dad. If you don't want to gift wrap another tool set or “surprise” him with another tie, My Modern Met Academy has the solution for you. Give your dad the gift of creative expression through our creative catalog of online classes. To make it an even better gift giving experience, we are currently having a sale for Father’s Day. From June 11 to June 16, 2024, save 15% on all of our creative classes by using the code fathersday24 at checkout.

My Modern Met Academy offers classes in mediums ranging from paint to photography. Maybe your dad is the type to always be busy with work or fixing things around the house, but you know he's an art lover. He'll appreciate the push to learn the basics when you gift him a class. Give your dad something he would never think to get for himself, starting with the class Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching. This course goes over the fundamentals of drawing—from supplies to essential techniques—that will help them gain the confidence to sketch any subject they like.

If sketching isn't his style, there are plenty of other classes that we offer at My Modern Met Academy, all taught by professional artists, designers, photographers, and more. Check out previews of some of the classes below, and be sure to use the code fathersday24 for 15% off through June 16, 2024, at 7:59 p.m. EDT. And if you have no idea what your pops would like, we offer gift certificates that will let them choose. (Gift certificates are not part of the Father’s Day sale.)

My Modern Met Academy is having a sale for Father's Day. Save 15% on all online classes when you use the code fathersday24 through June 16, 2024. Here are some of the classes available to take:


Architectural Illustration for Everyone: Draw Buildings in Ink and Colored Pencil

Demi Lang Drawing a Building

Architectural Drawing Class

Enroll in Architectural Illustration for Everyone: Draw Buildings in Ink and Colored Pencil


Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend

Pet Photograph in a Studio Setting

Pet Photography by Belinda Richards

Editing a Pet Photograph

Enroll in Introduction to Pet Photography: Capture the Spirit of Your Furry Friend.


Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching

Drawing by Margherita Cole

Drawing by Margherita Cole

Drawing by Margherita Cole

Enroll in Drawing 101: Learn the Building Blocks of Sketching.


Abstract Realism: Introduction to Mixed Media Painting

Dimitra Milan Online Art Class

Abstract Realism: Introduction to Mixed Media Painting

Abstract Realism Dimitra Milan

Enroll in Abstract Realism: Introduction to Mixed Media Painting.


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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Illustrator Teaches How To Capture Your Favorite Animals in Vibrant Colored Inks{{ subscriber.email_address }} Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:55:40 +0000 Illustrator Teaches How To Capture Your Favorite Animals in Vibrant Colored Inks

Whether you're a self-identifying crazy cat person or dog parent, or you prefer to admire animals from afar, chances are there is at least one critter that moves you. Soaring eagles are majestic; otherworldly octopuses inspire fascination; even your local raccoon might have caught your eye (along with your trash). Animals have been the subject […]

READ: Illustrator Teaches How To Capture Your Favorite Animals in Vibrant Colored Inks

Illustrator Teaches How To Capture Your Favorite Animals in Vibrant Colored Inks

Best Way to Use Colored Ink to Create Illustrations

Whether you're a self-identifying crazy cat person or dog parent, or you prefer to admire animals from afar, chances are there is at least one critter that moves you. Soaring eagles are majestic; otherworldly octopuses inspire fascination; even your local raccoon might have caught your eye (along with your trash). Animals have been the subject of artworks for 40,000 years with pigs, bulls, and horses all making appearances in the most ancient cave paintings discovered. And now in My Modern Met Academy‘s online art class, titled Animal Portraits in Colored Inks, you can explore the natural world from home or create a meaningful homage to your beloved pet.

Taught by award-winning illustrator Anna Sokolova—who has worked with the likes of Netflix and Maison Margiela—the online art class is a perfect introduction to the medium of colored ink. The artist's thorough explanations make working with ink approachable for everyone. She goes through the basics of how to come up with a dynamic composition, as well as how to use color and tone to fill portraits with personality. Sokolova emphasizes making portraits that are aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally captivating.

Enroll now in Animal Portraits in Colored Ink: Tell a Visual Story That Conveys Emotion and create your own colorful menagerie on your own schedule. Our learning platform also allows you to rewatch lessons as many times as you want in order to perfect your work. These delightful pieces will surely inspire you to keep on creating long after you finish the class.

Illustrator Anna Sokolova has an online course, titled Animal Portraits in Colored Ink, in which she walks students through the process of creating an artistic animal portrait.

Sketching Thumbnails

Sokolova explains how to get the most out of your materials to create unforgettable art.

Establishing a Color Palette

After completing the course, artists will feel confident in both their technical skills and their ability to create exuberant scenes.

Ink Drawing of an Enchanting Deer

How to Use Colored Inks by Anna Sokolova

Watch a preview of the class:

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Save 15% on All Online Art Classes During My Modern Met Academy’s Memorial Day Sale{{ subscriber.email_address }} Sat, 25 May 2024 09:55:20 +0000 Save 15% on All Online Art Classes During My Modern Met Academy’s Memorial Day Sale

It’s always a good time to learn something new. And the best part? You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to hone your skills. And now you're in luck because all of My Modern Met Academy‘s classes are on sale for 15% off with the code memorialsave. Our Memorial Day Sale is […]

READ: Save 15% on All Online Art Classes During My Modern Met Academy’s Memorial Day Sale

Save 15% on All Online Art Classes During My Modern Met Academy’s Memorial Day Sale

My Modern Met Academy Memorial Day Sale

It’s always a good time to learn something new. And the best part? You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to hone your skills. And now you're in luck because all of My Modern Met Academy‘s classes are on sale for 15% off with the code memorialsave. Our Memorial Day Sale is now running from May 25 to May 27, 2024. Our courses with professional artists from around the globe are all online, so you can take a break from all the barbecues for some creative me-time, or sign up now and watch later.

From drawing and painting to photography and crafts, there are plenty of options for you to find a new art project to spark your creativity this summer. Not sure where to start? If your summer is going to include lots of time in nature, consider our course Beyond Bouquets: Turning Pressed Flowers Into One-Of-a-Kind Art to help turn your outdoor adventures into your net artistic expression. Or if you're planning on traveling to new destinations, you might want to document your trip with more than just Instagram photos. Maria Zamyatina's Mixed Media Thread Painting: Learn to Embroider Your Travel Memories instructs you in both watercolor painting and embroidery to record your travels in a more slowed down and meaningful way. Either class will help you preserve your memories for years to come.

Scroll down for more classes that we offer through My Modern Met Academy, and be sure to use the code memorialsave for 15% off all of our creative courses. The sale ends May 27, 2024, at 7:59 pm EDT.

My Modern Met Academy is having a sale for Memorial Day. Save 15% on all online classes when you use the code memorialsave through May 27, 2024. Here are just some of the available classes:


Beyond Bouquets: Turning Pressed Flowers Into One-of-a-Kind Art

Pressed Flower Art by Anna Zakirova

Pressed Flower Art by Anna Zakirova

Pressed Flower Art by Anna Zakirova

Pressed Flower Art by Anna Zakirova

Enroll in Beyond Bouquets: Turning Pressed Flowers Into One-of-a-Kind Art.


Mixed Media Thread Painting: Learn to Embroider Your Travel Memories

Thread Painting Class on My Modern Met Academy

Thread Painting Class on My Modern Met Academy

Thread Painting Class on My Modern Met Academy

Thread Painting Class on My Modern Met Academy

Enroll in Mixed Media Thread Painting: Learn to Embroider Your Travel Memories.


Realistic Portrait Drawing Made Easy

Realistic Portrait Drawing Class

Realistic Portrait Drawing Class

Realistic Portrait Drawing Class

Realistic Portrait Drawing Class

Enroll in Realistic Portrait Drawing Made Easy.


Animal Portraits in Colored Inks: Tell a Visual Story That Conveys Emotion

Illustration Online Classes

Illustration Online Classes

Illustration Online Classes

Illustration Online Classes

Enroll in Animal Portraits in Colored Inks: Tell a Visual Story That Conveys Emotion.


My Modern Met Academy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | TikTok

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